Business Directory
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Looking for a professional? Check out or directory to find the perfect fit.
Jaguar Reno is Northern Nevada’s exclusive Jaguar retailer. Our employees embody the Jaguar spirit, which is why we go out of our way to provide a superior car-shopping experience. From our great selection of new and Approved Certified pre-owned vehicles to our innovative Bid To Buy program, our sales staff is always up to date on the latest Jaguar news and vehicle releases, and can answer any questions about trims, accessories, and more. We have the knowledge and expertise to help you achieve the greatest Jaguar experience possible.
Julie Johnson–Holland works closely with her clients to understand their distinctive visual style. Armed with this valuable information, she then implements an interior design plan that closely mirrors the client’s unique approach toward life.
Owner and artist Julia Szendrei creates her namesake jewelry with a love for color and stone. Like so many of us who love combing the beaches and collecting rocks, it's deep within us to hold stones close to our hearts. They bring a sense of connection into our lives as well as a provide a way to adore ourselves.
Katie Tyler has been in the resort/luxury real estate industry for over 15 years, stemming largely from her love of the outdoors and wanting to help others experience and enjoy it.
With offices in Steamboat Springs, Colorado and Truckee, California, Kelly & Stone Architects designs and implements high-profile architecture projects to the delight of our clients. Our specialty is custom home design and construction.
When it comes to your home or business, hiring professional painters can make all the difference. When you think of professionals, think Kelly Brothers Painting. We’re a full-service Reno-Tahoe painting company with nearly two decades of experience in residential and commercial painting, staining, and drywall installation. We value quality, creativity, honesty, integrity, safety, and strive to exceed our customer’s expectations on every job.
A transplant from the Maine coast to theTahoe Basin, Kelly’s highly independent,resourceful and hardworking individualism combines with her innate passion to make her second to none inTahoe’s luxury real estate market. Over the past 10 years, Kelly has created important connections to local businesses and people, becoming a valued member of the community who successfully brings outstanding results for sellers and buyers alike.
65% of people are unhappy with their current kitchens – because they’re too small, to confined, too closed off, they’re dated, grungy and never feel clean. Another big complaint is the lack of storage. Kitchen Cabinets Reno puts the ‘store’ in storage.
Reno based elevator company.
Real estate agency in Incline Village, Nevada.
Concours Judges from throughout the United States will have already begun their work using the Foundation’s own nationally-acclaimed 100 point judging system and score sheet. Their collective goal: to reward those who have restored their boats to the highest level of authenticity as they appeared when they were shipped from the factory. Because multiple first, second and third-place awards can be won in each class, each boat is judged on its own merit and only compared to other boats when selecting Perpetual awards.
Lake Tahoe School, originally founded in 1997 under the name Incline Academy with a mission to provide a carefully articulated, highly academic program, quickly grew, adding grades yearly, into a Pre-K through Eighth Grade School by 2001.
Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization established for the cultural benefit and enjoyment of all residents of and visitors to our region. We strive to plan, produce and advocate the finest cultural events at Lake Tahoe while educating future generations on the importance of including theater, music and art in their everyday lives.
With humble beginnings, in the chimney cleaning and fireplace service business, Owners Perry and Cindy Deas have continued to greatly expand their business while maintaining the quintessential “Mom and Pop” operation. By continually exceeding our client’s expectations, “Lake Tahoe Specialty Stove & Fireplace” has achieved a well known reputation for providing the highest quality products and the very best in customer service
Lamperti Construction has developed its stellar reputation by insisting on a team approach; a joint effort between the contractor, the architect and—most importantly—the client. Our understanding of, and experience with high-end custom homes, has resulted in an extensive database of intelligence we bring to the team during both the preconstruction and construction phase of services. Our experience constructing homes like yours allows us to execute work at the highest level of quality and productivity possible. Quality is the cornerstone of all Lamperti projects.
As the premier Land Rover dealer serving Reno and beyond, we are ready to bring you selection, service, and complete satisfaction. Whether you are interested in the latest Land Rover lineup or maintaining the vehicle you already love, we’re here to help.
Lawrence Realty is a family owned and operated California real estate business working in Squaw Valley, Martis Camp, Lake Tahoe, Truckee and surrounding areas. Larry Lawrence has been selling real estate since 1974, became a broker in 1977 and started Lawrence Realty in 1985.
At Locati Architects every project starts with personal relationships. Our clients. Our team. Our community. That means we ask, not just where do you want to live,
but how do you want to live there.
Lone Eagle Grille, offers a lake view with seasonally inspired local ingredients.
Performing arts theater in South Lake Tahoe, California