13 Dec THROUGH THE LENS: Tales of Our Tracks
We take much when we travel across the snow—we extract from it recreation, the fulfillment of our wishes for speed or sights, and its usefulness as a means of transportation into the natural world. It’s interesting to look at what we leave behind, the tales the tracks tell of our winter voyages.

An unknown skier takes advantage of early season snowfall on Mt. Rose, photo by Andrew Marshall

Dave Rintala in the Donner backcountry, photo by Court Leve
photographer bios
Ryan Salm has spent the last 16 years of his life wandering the world and capturing the essence of the moment from portraiture to adventure. His work has been featured in Patagonia advertising, Powder, ESPN and Outside magazines. He is available for assignments and commissions. Find more of his work here.
Andrew Marshall is a freelance photographer from Reno. He enjoys the Tahoe area for its four seasons of outdoor adventure opportunities.
Court Leve was voted ‘Best Photographer’ in the Lake Tahoe-Truckee region in 2010. Specializing in action sports, wedding, portraiture and pet photography, Leve combines a journalistic and traditional approach to his work that results in highly acclaimed emotional and captivating images. Find more of his work here.
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