19 Feb Enter TQ’s Best Of Tahoe Photo Contest
Welcome to Tahoe Quarterly’s 2020 Best of Tahoe Photo Contest. This year’s contest runs from February 19 through March 10. The same rules as last year apply (click here to see last year’s winners), but for those who are new to the contest or need a refresher, the guidelines and categories are listed below.
Note that submitted photos will not be used for any purposes outside of the contest. Good luck, and happy shooting.
— Submissions must be sent to sylas@tahoequarterly.com and received by the end of the day on Tuesday, March 10.
— Shooters may enter one photo per category (please only enter your own photography).
— Photos must be high resolution and taken in the Lake Tahoe region.
— Submissions must include your full name and the category you’re entering within the email.
— Winning entries will appear in Tahoe Quarterly’s Best of Tahoe magazine, while winners will also receive a $50 gift certificate toward Homewood Mountain Resort or West Shore Cafe.
— A panel of TQ editors, photographers and designers will determine who wins and will take into account how many likes and shares each photo receives.
Landscape: Let’s see your best scenic shot from the beautiful Lake Tahoe region.
Black and White: Submit your best B&W photo of life at Tahoe.
Pets: We love furry, four-legged friends, and we want to see them enjoying life in this corner of the Sierra.
Sports: Show off your best action shot showcasing a sport in the Tahoe region.
Wildlife: A fan favorite, we want to see your best shot of a wild creature captured on camera.
Kids: Everyone knows that Tahoe is a paradise for kids. Show us your best shot of a little one enjoying life at the lake.
Reece Wade
Posted at 14:11h, 23 FebruaryLooking forward to seeing all the wonderful entries…