Record 2016–17 winter opens the door to a backcountry snowboarding adventure in the Southern Sierra   Hideous knocks and squeals reverberate through the truck cab with every rotation of the tires. The veteran shocks and struts on our trusty Tacoma absorb heavy blows in a vicious off-road...

Athletes increasingly engaging in both downhill and Nordic skiing   Tahoe’s downhill resorts—totaling some 24,000 skiable acres—may get most of the excitement, attention and crowds. But with hundreds of miles of groomed trails at cross-country resorts around The Lake, Nordic skiing provides not just an alternative, but...

One local’s quest to reinvent surfing, skiing, soaring and history   Craig Beck doesn’t dabble in hobbies. When the longtime Tahoe local gets into something, he tends to go all in. Whether he’s flying homemade hang gliders or working on his latest project—Tahoe Native Surfboards—Beck is...

Truckee Olympian Katerina Nash has achieved much success since her youth in communist Czechoslovakia   To be clear, Katerina Nash is not defending communism. As a child of Soviet-run Czechoslovakia and the late 1980s Velvet Revolution, she is quick to say that democracy and America are good,...

Scratching a summer itch to shred at Nevada’s Sand Mountain Recreation Area   It’s mid-August, there’s not a snowflake in sight, but once again, we’re strapping in. Wishful thinking about snowboarding just isn’t enough for freaks like us. Driving east from Fallon on lonely U.S. Highway 50, you...

Like the precious metal that once lured eager prospectors, the Lost Sierra contains miles of prime singletrack waiting to be discovered   We were huddled around the steering wheel, laughing at ourselves. Our idea for a pre-dawn start disappeared about seven hours prior. We thought we could...

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