Nestled in a quaint corner of Truckee, a two-story building clad in rusted corten steel resides harmoniously among its surroundings—aspens quaking gently in the breeze, sturdy pines stretching skyward, a bountiful garden. ...

Water is notoriously tricky to capture in art. Its translucent shimmers and shadows, ebbs and flows, and everchanging nature make it challenging to translate to a static medium. Perhaps that’s why Megan Smith is so successful in her artwork. Using a medley of homemade iridescent paints,...

Reno and Las Vegas are not neighbors. You know it. I know it. But does the general art-loving public know it? In Briana Dolan’s experience, the answer is no. “Half the people that I talk to from the East Coast? They think it’s next to Vegas,” she says....

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